Definition: the manner or method of performing, doing something, the accomplishment of a thing (Merriam Webster); something that a person or group does (Learner’s Dictionary); supporting the concepts that “one learns best by doing” and “actions speak louder than words.” The focus of each lesson will be the Action it generates as a concluding, confirming, and sustainable learning experience for parents and, subsequently, for their children.
Rationale: Action becomes the progressive, final step by educators training parents in each lesson to provide important and meaningful “HomeWork” for their children. Trainers introduce the lesson topic. This allows parents to examine and consider the lesson through Introspection, Retrospection and Roundabout, and prepares them well to perform related Actions.
Supporting the concepts that “one learns best by doing” and “actions speak louder than words,” the highlight of each lesson considered will be the Action it generates as a concluding, confirming, and sustainable learning experience for parents and, subsequently, for their children.
Providing such direction and instruction in training parents will equip them to better use what they learn as models for what they will teach their children through HomeWork. They will be more prepared to give them guidance in the home, and to continue to guide and support them in school and in life.
A bowling ball making a strike symbolizes the anticipation that involvement in the action associated with the lesson will lead to success, achievement, accomplishment, the desired positive result, attainment of an identified, sought-after goal. While a strike may occur less frequently, sometimes by surprise, it is often the reward earned by bowlers who practice and work on developing their skills and competencies. Ultimately, a strike signifies an action that denotes winning, success, accomplishment—occurring whenever the related goals are met.